Nietzsche F. (1884); Parkes G. (2005) p.169
This - is just my way: - where is yours?’ Thus I answered those who asked of me ‘the way’. For the way - does not exist!
Thus spoke Zarathustra.
Main Art and Design reference Pragmatics Reference Hypnosis Reference
The Call
The Field
The Weapon
The Target
The Ammo
The Tribe
Select Field-View Brand Strategy Reference Consumer-Designer Model

The No Brand manifesto

Beyond the 'consumerism' framework, 'death of language' occurs instantly and there is no conceptual means to allow a rational point of view from the outside. Inside it however, there is a creative machine processing meanings, concepts and cognitive schemata to create and control a common culture. Here, Branding and Design interact as cause and effect of each other, pragmatically meaningful only in unison. Their analysis requires a rational and emotional vacuum at one instance of space-time. A bias-proof bias must be determined to contain it, a 'No Brand' condition. This is a private, temporary affair and we must be cautious not to get absorbed in it.

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